Thursday, 23 April 2015

The truth

He was a renowned sculptor, The one who supposed to carve my soul
He was halfway through before he left,
Unfinished I was,  So walked out to carve myself on my own

Hear me now for I won’t repeat myself,
I am imperfect, I am the incomplete song,
But if you think you can cage me for my imperfections,
Baby you are dead wrong.

Neither can I promise an eternal sunshine, Nor am I bearer of the soothing rain,
All I vow is to stand by you,  Through all those thunders and storms we’ll sail.

I am not spotless, I do have scars,
I am not flawless, I do make mistakes,
I err and I learn, I am a human, and this is my saving grace,

I am an angel with a raging beast inside, With red horns hidden behind the bright halo,
I love the fight and fight for love, I am as calm as the dormant volcano

Don’t expect me to be someone you can’t be,
For then I’ll teach you a lesson you missed
I am not the perfect creation of my creator,
I am not the GOD, but an awakening spirit

The truth is, that pedestal doesn’t belong to me,
Neither do I own a place in hell,
I am good, I am bad, I am ugly, I am too complex a web for you to dwell…!!